web business idea;web design and development

In 2009, Allan started Weblash.net with a determination to help small businesses with their web design and development needs which today enjoys a sizable market share and command.

How did it all start and how has the journey been like? well, armed with a BS degree in Industrial Design (for those who don’t know – this is loosely defined as the field of user interaction – or “how a person uses technology through design”), Allan started his career at ASP.NET, where he obtained a 12years wealth of experience in C#, Microsoft SQL Server administration and development, SQL Server Reporting Services, XML, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript, Microsoft Office SharePoint Services (MOSS), PowerShell, and more, not forgeting to say that he holds a Microsoft Certified Professional 2.0 certificate.

Enough of his C.V and now back to his business idea, in the 1990's, he was used to designing for print and screen, and in 1997, he was Fascinated with what the Internet could offer he started designing web sites for businesses and also went to Microsoft to design and develop the next version of mactopia.com, and went on to design, develop, and/or manage other Internet/Intranet/Extranet sites at Microsoft.

In 2009, Allan started his own website with a sole aim and determination to help small businesses with their web design and development needs.

Some of the services he will offer are A new web site or web site redesign, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Converting a web site to a Content Management System (CMS) platform, Building a shopping cart solution and many more.

A challenge for you now, what are you doing with your skills and experience? You can turn it into business!!!

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