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My professional and working life started when I was 19 years old and since then I have worked steadily. My last position was as office manager, with the
Bill Coleman, his wife Kathy Coleman and daughter run a very successful pet sitting business. Here is an interview I had with Mr. Bill on their business
A growing list of small business ideas. You will find realistic business ideas from real entrepreneurs around the world.
Continue reading "Small business ideas. A list to grow to over a million ideas."
I have a list of the best small business ideas that have changed the lifes of many to unmeasurable success
A list of the best internet business ideas from business people who are in the internet business.
The best home based business ideas, not only tried and tested, but they are being practised by thousands of entrepreneurs around the world
A list of the best business ideas that are giving a comfortable income to people who are practising them.
Animation business is growing globally. This is due to the fact that, even though animation is mostly used for entertainment purposes, animation is finding uses in other fields like commercials, educa
New school business ideas continue to emerge as more specialised skills are realised.Here is a list of the most popular school businesses you could start.