Internet based business idea; Waiting room TV advertisement

Advertising business is becoming more and more lucrative especially with the current technological innovation which is also coming with new opportunities. One such opportunity is the waiting room TV advertisement.
This business is not only lucrative but also requires low levels of initial investment if you plan to start small. The target audience in the waiting TV ads is those people waiting at the doctors offices, emergency rooms, government offices, banking halls and many other offices.
How does it work?
Waiting room TV uses low-cost computer hardware to distribute entertainment videos with advertisements across TV monitors strategically located in waiting rooms.
A single waiting room setup requires the following:-A Computer, High-speed internet connection, and an LCD TV monitor.
As an incentive to the owner of the waiting room, you may decide to highlight his various services as well as share with him for free the internet connection. You may even decide to rent the TV space from him where you pay him a monthly rental fee.
Now how do you make money? There are two ways you can make money with this venture.
The first option and the simplest is to charge a flat rate to a given number of advertisers making sure that you are making a profit with each TV.
The second option is to charge a particular rate per spot where you have a maximum number of spots assigned for advertisement between the entertainments.
POINT TO NOTE: Make sure you don’t over advertise because waiting room TV is meant for entertainment as the clients wait for their turn to be served. So, a rule of thumb requires that 80% of the TV time should be entertainment.


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Jun 16, 2012
How can I get started? NEW
by: Chibunna

I am based in Nigeria and wish to start this business. what is the initial capital investment and how do I get started. email me at for more info.

Dec 15, 2011
hospital tv is doing well in our country
by: Anonymous

There is a high opportunity in low cost television commercials due to the many doctors who are running their own professional businesses in our country(Argentina). If want to start a private practice tv advertising, I would advice you to consider this place.

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