Did you know that very many people shy shopping online due to one simple reason? Most don't have a credit card. Now here is an opportunity you could take advantage of and mint millions of dollars by providing a much needed service.
You could provide shoppers with temporally card numbers through mobile money transfer to enable them shop online.
How can this work? This is how.
Let's look at how a user will interact with your website.
When one is paying for a shopping online, he will be requested for his card number. If he does not have the card, he will need to come to your website to generate a temporally credit card number.
On your website's interface, he will be required to enter the amount his shopping is worth. Your software will calculate for him the total amount he needs to send through his mobile phone including the fee you are charging for the service.
If he wishes to continue with the transaction, he will click 'continue' to generate the code number he will send his money on the phone to.
After sending the money to the code number, he will be required to enter on your website the confirmation code generated after sending the money so as to generate the temporally credit card number.
Now he can use the temporally credit card to pay for his shopping as your software will automatically load it with the required amount.
You can even develop a mobile phone app that will enable shoppers to generate the temporally credit card number using their mobile phones.
To avoid competition, you can patent this idea in your locality. You can the partner with major credit card services providers like master card to be generating the credit card numbers for you.
The best way to market to market your service is to request the online stores to include your method as one of the online payment option.
This method of paying for online shopping is not only the easiest way but the most secure way of paying for online shopping as the credit card is only temporally and you only load the required amount.
It is always good to be creative and improve an idea before you embark on putting it into practice. I have just given you a raw idea. Think outside the box on how you can make it better.
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